Heady Hypersleep Policy
The Heady Hypersleep program is Planet Caravan’s interest free layaway program through our Instagram. It allows you to lockdown a piece and pay it off over a 2 month period. It is available for anything in the shop that is over $50 excluding select items. To start your Hypersleep we will need a 40% down payment for the item you are locking down. You can only have 1 Hypersleep open at a time. Anytime you would like to make a payment or payoff your Hypersleep just hit our DMs on one of our Instagram accounts and we will send you over an invoice. You can make a payment of any amount at any time in that 2 month period. Once you have paid your item we will ship it straight to you!
If you decide you no longer want to have the items you have on Hypersleep then we can transfer your down payment and/or payments to store credit. If you would like to switch out the piece of another it will require an additional 40% down payment. The payments made on the previous Hypersleep will be used as a payment. If you are not able to pay off your hypersleep please let us know as soon as possible. We will be happy to work with you as long as you are staying in contact and making regular payments.
Please contact us on Instagram for any additional questions or to lock down your first piece!